Donate to the Friends of the Lied today

Become a Friend of the Lied, and buy tickets now!
Donation levels begin at $50. To order tickets now, or for more information, call 785-864-2787.
(Online ticket sales begin Monday, June 10.)

Become a Friend of the Lied, and buy tickets now!
Donation levels begin at $50. To order tickets now, or for more information, call 785-864-2787.
(Online ticket sales begin Monday, June 10.)
Monday, MAY 6 • 11:00 am
Tickets on sale at the Ticket Office or by phone for:
Tickets on sale at the Ticket Office or by phone for:
Friends of the Lied
Renewal subscribers
KU students
Friday, MAY 24 • 5:30 pm
Deadline for Friends of the Lied to purchase tickets before the general public.
Deadline for Friends of the Lied to purchase tickets before the general public.
Tuesday, MAY 28 • 11:00 am
Ticket packages on sale to the public at the Ticket Office or by phone.
Ticket packages on sale to the public at the Ticket Office or by phone.
Monday, JUNE 10 • 8:00 am
Single tickets on sale to the public at the Ticket Office, by phone and online.
Single tickets on sale to the public at the Ticket Office, by phone and online.
PLEASE NOTE: By purchasing tickets, you agree to adhere to the Lied Center policies that may be implemented based on the public health information and guidelines at the time of the event.
If you have any questions, please call the Ticket Office at 785-864-2787 or email