If you need seating accommodations for accessibility and have not yet made arrangements, please contact the Ticket Office.

Restaurants in Lawrence

Want to grab a bite before the show? Lawrence has many great restaurant options.

Explore Lawrence Restaurants

Parking is free

Parking is free in the Lied Center parking lot during events.


Find your seat

To help find your seats, you’ll see an auditorium door number on your ticket that will be the closest door to your seats. The Lied Center ushers and staff are also happy to assist you.

Seating Map

After the performance

Sometimes, exiting the Lied Center parking lot can seem hectic after a performance. Try using the south and east exits.

Parking Lot Map


  • The temperature throughout the Lied Center can vary. We recommend wearing layers to your event so you can adjust to your individual comfort level.



  • Concessions are typically available for Lied Series performances in the auditorium (sold by KU Memorial Union), but not always.
  • Beer, wine, non-alcoholic beverages and cookies are available.
  • Credit cards and cash are usually accepted.


Sounds levels

  • Rock concert or Broadway show sound levels can be expected to be much louder than a chamber music ensemble or a solo pianist.
  • Earplugs, assistive listening headsets, cough drops and booster seats are available at the Audience Services Desk in the Lobby.

See ticket information and policies >

Frequently Asked Questions

The lobby is open during business hours (unless otherwise posted) and at least one hour before all ticketed performances. The auditorium doors open approximately 30 minutes prior to the event’s starting time. Generally, it is recommended to arrive at least 15 minutes prior to the event’s starting time, possibly earlier for events with very high attendance. Please contact the Lied Center for questions about specific events.
Taking photos or videos during a performance is prohibited unless otherwise stated. You are welcome to take photos before and after the show in the Lied Center. Media photography and videography during a performance is not permitted without prior permission and is subject to event/artist specific guidelines. For media inquiries, please contact Betsy Ostrander, marketing communications specialist, at bostrander@ku.edu.
Please do not use your electronic devices during a performance unless otherwise stated. Generally, electronic devices (cell phones, tablets, computers, etc.) should be turned off or silenced and put away during a performance, as the lights/screens and sounds (including vibrating alerts) are distracting to artists and other patrons. An example of an exception to this policy would be if the artist or performers ask for audience participation with phones or devices, then we encourage you to engage and have fun with it!
If you have lost your tickets prior to the show, please call the ticket office at 785-864-2787, or visit the Lied Center Ticket Office during business hours for assistance. The Ticket Office is also open at least one hour prior to the event’s starting time. If you come to a performance and have forgotten your tickets, please go to the Ticket Office window for assistance.
Even-numbered seats are on the RIGHT side of the auditorium (2, 4, 6, 8, etc.). Odd-numbered seats are on the LEFT side of the the auditorium (1, 3, 5, 7, etc.). Seats numbered 101, 102, 103, etc. are in the CENTER section of the auditorium.
There are a number of family-friendly events each season at the Lied Center. Most performances do not have a specific age restriction, so it is at the discretion of the parent/guardian as to whether or not the performance is appropriate for the child and if the child is able to be an attentive audience member. Those performances with age recommendations are typically listed on individual event webpages.

Please note, each person attending a Lied Center performance, regardless of age, must have a ticket. Please contact the Ticket Office at 785-864-2787 for more information about specific events.

Diaper changing stations can be found in the restrooms on the main floor of the lobby. Breastfeeding is welcome anywhere in the building. You may also arrange a private space for nursing or pumping by speaking with a house manager at the Audience Services Desk during your visit to the Lied Center.
General Accessibility Information
The Lied Center has accessible seats that can be removed and replaced with your own chair. For reserved-seating events, please contact the Ticket Office for assistance selecting an accessible seat. For general-admission events, please see a house manager for assistance. The Lied Center can provide an armless chair upon request.
The Lawrence Otolaryngology Hearing Loop system delivers high-quality sound from the stage directly into hearing aids and cochlear implants with telecoil (t-coil), or headsets with loop receivers. The loop can be accessed by turning on the t-coil in your hearing aid. If you’re unsure whether your assistive listening device is compatible, speak to your audiologist. Individuals without compatible devices can access the loop with headsets from the Audience Services Desk. The perimeter of the hearing loop includes all seats (including Pavilion seating) except for the orchestra pit and box seats on the sides of the auditorium. Please contact the Ticket Office for more information.
The Americans with Disabilities Act defines a service animal as a dog that has been individually trained to do work or perform tasks for an individual with a disability. The task(s) performed by the dog must be directly related to the person’s disability. Service Animals are welcome in the Lied Center. No other animals are permitted in the building.

Yes! Visit the Audience Services Desk to request a wheelchair to use while you are visiting the Lied Center.
Mobility aids that will not be used as seats during a performance must be stored outside of the auditorium so that aisles and exit paths remain clear. An usher or house manager will be able to provide assistance and direct you to the location closest to your seat. Ushers and house managers can also assist with transferring patrons to a seat, and the Lied Center can provide a wheelchair upon request.
An all-gender restroom is located inside the administrative office, downstairs from the ticket office, across from Door 2.
An induction hearing loop is an assistive listening system that utilizes an electromagnetic field to deliver sound. The Lawrence Otolaryngology Hearing Loop was installed at the Lied Center in 2018.
Everyone! Patrons with hearing aids or cochlear implants equipped with a telecoil (T-coil) can connect directly to the hearing loop by changing their aid or implant setting to the T-coil option. Our Assistive Listening Devices (ALDs) work with the hearing loop as well—and can be used by any patron with or without T-coil-equipped aids and implants, free of charge.
Most hearing aid models have a physical “T” switch that activates the T- coil. Some aids and implants can be controlled from a smartphone app. Ask your audiologist how to activate your T-coil setting.
Our hearing loop has been installed to reach every seat in the auditorium except for the box seats and orchestra pit. In the Pavilion, the hearing loop is accessible from any seat.
For questions about attending an event and using the Lawrence Otolaryngology Hearing Loop, please contact the Ticket Office at 785-864-2787. If you are experiencing an issue with the hearing loop system or headset during an event, please see a house manager at the Audience Services desk. For questions about connecting hearing aids or implants to the hearing loop, please contact your audiologist.
In the event of inclement weather on the day of a performance, the event will typically happen if the artists are able to arrive as planned. If there are event changes, the Lied Center will contact all ticketholders via email as soon as possible, as well as post an update on the home page: lied.ku.edu.
If the event is canceled due to inclement weather, refunds and credits will be available to all ticketholders.
If an event is still happening as scheduled during inclement weather and you have questions about your tickets, please contact the Ticket Office at 785-864-2787.
Smoking is not permitted anywhere in or around the Lied Center, in accordance with KU policy. Tobacco Free KU policy >
The “Explore Lawrence” website provides information about travel and tourism for Lawrence and Douglas County, Kansas. Unmistakably Lawrence >
For additional questions about attending an event, please contact the Ticket Office at 785-864-2787.